Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What is Disney's Fast Pass?

Disney Fast Pass Tickets
In early 1999, Disney introduced the Fastpass system to allow theme park guests to bypass the waits on more popular attractions. By using the Fastpass, you can bypass most of the standby line in the busiest Disney attractions. This genius idea can be used by anyone in the park by simply:
  1. Heading to the ride you want to "skip the line"
  2. Look for the Fast Pass Box (pictured below)
  3. Insert your Disney Park ticket, and that of everyone in your party
  4. Grab the receipt
  5. Head back to the ride during your allotted time!
Disney Fast Pass MachineThis is a great way to experience the entire Disney park. For more information on the Disney Fast Pass, be sure to check out FastPass.info.

To get your Disney vacation started, grab some tickets today.

-Florida Orlando Tickets Team

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